Does My Cat Have A UTI?

Urinary issues are among the most common reasons for feline emergency visits. Your cat may suddenly develop bloody urine, start urinating outside the litter box, spend lots of time going in and out of litter box, or strain to urinate […]

Back To School Pet Safety!

It is back to school time! While this is a very busy and exciting time for the family, particularly the children, this can be a time where the family pet make take a back seat to all of the items […]

Food is Love, Just Not These Foods

Whether it is a snack or a table scrap from dinner, giving your pet a bite is a common occurrence. Some may argue dogs should only eat “dog food” and in a way this is ideal. At the same time, […]

Goat Husbandry

Goats are a small ruminant (we’ll talk more about that later) that have many uses worldwide. It seems that more and more goats are being owned not only by farmers in rural settings, but also by families in the suburbs. […]

First Signs Of Heart Disease

Unfortunately, similar to humans, as our pets age, so do their hearts. Signs can be different between species and may present differently for each individual; however, there are some telltale signs that you may see and that should throw up […]

Sweet Tooth?

Sweet Tooth?   We all love things that are sweet, right? Sometimes our dogs do too. But be careful…what might be tasty for us can be toxic to Man’s Best Friend… In particular, the artificial sweetener xylitol is a bane […]