The EMPATH Project
EMPATH, a 501c3 charity, is a fund utilized to assist financially constrained pet owners, get their pets the care they need at our hospital in emergency situations. An employee supported and subsidized charity, the EMPATH fund aids pets with a positive prognosis.
Helping You with
Unexpected Pet Emergencies
Every year across the nation, thousands of pets are euthanized because they have suffered an accident, injury or illness requiring costly emergency care. THE EMPATH PROJECT seeks to alleviate this heartbreaking decision by aiding pet owners to help offset the financial burden of emergency care when the pet has a favorable outcome.
THE EMPATH PROJECT is based on the belief that the place of loving, cherished animals in families should never be threatened by concerns over the cost of unforeseen veterinary care. With the help of this project, eligible pet owners can gain access to a charitable gift that will help them cope with the unexpected financial burden associated with their pet’s care at our hospital.
Help us raise some bones by subscribing to BarkBox—a monthly delivery of original dog toys and all-natural treats—with our code EMPATH. BarkBox will donate $25 to us, and you’ll get your first box for 50% off on a 6- or 12-month plan. Pretty great, right? Thanks for your help! CLICK HERE to get started!
THE EMPATH PROJECT is currently accepting applications from New Jersey and its surrounding areas. The actual grant amount will be considered on an individual case basis and fund availability at THE EMPATH PROJECT board's discretion. Follow the steps below to apply for assistance:
Submit the following documentation to [email protected]
- Copy of last year's tax return filed with the IRS
- Copy of a recent pay stub / unemployment income
- Proof of Social Security or Disability income, if applicable
PLEASE NOTE: applications received without the required documentation will not be presented for approval. NO EXCEPTIONS.
You will not be considered for assistance if any of the following conditions apply:
- You have applied for, and been approved, for Care Credit
- You are applying for assistance for routine care such as spay/neuter, vaccines or routine check-ups
Below are the requirements for funding approval:
- The animal must be a family-owned pet with a good history of routine care
- The illness, injury or condition must be a treatable, yet urgent, condition with a good prognosis following treatment.
Owner agrees to pay the remaining balance for treatment once THE EMPATH PROJECT funds are applied.
Pet owner initially seeks out credit fund options (i.e. Care Credit) and is declined or credit funds have been exhausted. Pet must have a good prognosis and be expected to make full recovery.
Contact us via email: [email protected]