Americans look forward to the 4th of July every year as a time of celebration and fun. The 4th of July is also a notoriously busy day at the emergency room for both people and animals. Here are a few […]
With Spring comes the Easter holiday season! Easter is a time for families to come together to enjoy each other’s company and take part in a variety of holiday traditions. Sometimes, pets can get themselves into trouble during this holiday. […]
Most people have experienced the convenience of purchasing things online. It’s easy and can save time and money. However, when purchasing medications for your pet, please keep several very important things in mind. It is critical that a pet receives […]
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV) is a highly contagious and fatal disease caused by a calicivirus. RHDV is not contagious to people, but it affects both domestic rabbits and hares native to North America. Transmission of the disease occurs through […]
Our pets often suffer many of the same ailments that we as humans do. Sometimes, we may have medications at home that can be used to ease their discomfort. However, dogs and cats are very different than humans in how […]
They say time stops for no man. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop for our aging pets either. Here are some things to keep in mind as your dog gets older. Annual veterinarian exams are always important. However, after age seven years, […]
Feeding raw diets to dogs and cats has become popular in recent years. Many proponents of feeding raw food argue that it is a more natural, healthy, and safe way to feed their pets. Pet owners beware, few veterinarians will […]
We are writing to provide up-to-date and accurate information about the Canine Influenza Virus and recent outbreaks. We hope that by making people aware, this will help prevent the spread of the virus. Cases of Canine Influenza Virus (the H3N2 […]
There have been many changes in our lives associated with COVID-19 and our pets are experiencing those changes as well. For many pets, having people home all of the time is a dramatic departure from normal/expected daily routine and this […]
With Back-to-School just around the corner, we thought it would be nice to provide some quick tips for pet owners to keep your pets as safe as possible. Although there are not as many things to worry about compared to […]