Holiday Hazards

While the holidays can be a fun and exciting time for us, they can present some serious dangers to our beloved pets. As this festive season draws near, we find ourselves preparing for house guests, planning lavish meals and decorating […]

Halloween Pet Hazards

Halloween is a fun time of year but can also present danger in many forms to our animals.  We want to enjoy ourselves and keep our precious fur-kids safe in the process. Glow sticks and all types of glow jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, rings) are […]

COVID-19 & Pet Stress

There have been many changes in our lives associated with COVID-19 and our pets are experiencing those changes as well. For many pets, having people home all of the time is a dramatic departure from normal/expected daily routine and this […]

COVID-19 Puppy Socialization 101

In this novel and uncertain time, many families find themselves at home with extra time on their hands. We have seen a uptick in new puppy visits since the start of quarantine and want to make sure that anyone who […]

Pets & Coronavirus

Given the latest news, you may be wondering if coronavirus (Covid-19), which has infected thousands of people worldwide, is a threat to your pets. Bottom line, at this time, unless you have coronavirus or your pet has been exposed to […]