Your New Puppy's First Wellness Visit


COVID-19 Puppy Socialization 101
Author: Dr. Erika Sweigard

In this novel and uncertain time, many families find themselves at home with extra time on their hands. We have seen a uptick in new puppy visits since the start of quarantine and want to make sure that anyone who is adopting a new puppy at this time is prepared to deal with their puppy while they are home as well as when life resumes “normalcy”.

Firstly, a new puppy is potentially a decade and a half commitment and should be treated seriously. Puppies need a series of examinations and vaccinations in the first few months and common illnesses and emergencies can mean unforeseen medical expenses. After obtaining your new puppy, be certain to schedule a wellness visit to discuss routine care and consider investing in pet insurance when they are young and healthy to help off-set any unexpected veterinary costs.


Why Microchip?
Author: Dr. Joe Snock

The thought of micropchipping can stir up stress in the minds of pet owners. However, there are many important benefits to providing a microchip for your furry friend. Microchips are small devices that emit a radio frequency containing information. They are rather small, in most cases no bigger than a grain of rice. The micropchip is generally placed under the skin through a needle, similar to how a vaccine would be given. The entire process can be done quickly as an outpatient appointment and provides a life time of benefits.


Link Between Grain Free Diets & Heart Disease
Author: Dr. Erika Sweigard

Grain-free diets do not contain traditional pet food ingredients such as wheat, oatmeal, rice and corn.  Other carbohydrates are used in place of these grains such as potatoes, peas and lentils.  This trend likely started as a marketing ploy to satisfy owner demands but allergies to grain in our companion pets are incredibly rare.  It is a misconception that grain is used as filler, considering they provide important protein, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and fiber to pet food.


All About Prophylactic Gastropexy
Author: Dr. Jeffrey Haymaker

One life-threatening emergency that is commonly seen on our emergency service is gastric dilatation-volvulus or "GDV" (see below), commonly referred to as “bloat”. The veterinarians at Mount Laurel Animal Hospital are prepared and available in case your dog develops GDV. Of course, the best protection is preventing a dog from developing GDV.


Leptospirosis: What It Is And Why Your Dog Should Get Vaccinated
Author: Dr. Marcy Rose

Leptospirosis is a disease of dogs, rodents, farm animals and wild life. It is caused by a family of bacteria called Leptospira. The bacteria is found in the environment, near water, in cities, on farms and in the woods. In addition to causing serious and potentially fatal diseases in our dogs, it is also considered a Zoonotic disease (transmissible from animals to people).


DOWNLOAD our new Puppy Brochure for pertinent information on vaccines and preventatives!